October 2020 Crochet FO's

Show off your finished projects completed this month! :fk:[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“http://fiberkind.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]​

I finished an easy TSS beanie.


Very nice!!

Yep, nice it is and I like the color combo. Your edging really sets it off.

Thanks y’all!

It’s the simple stitch but with two different yarns? Is that shown in one of the weekly lessons? I’ve just got to get past Week 1. lol Anyway, I love the way it looks! And I LOVE the doily!

Thanks @TeaNSugar ! You’re correct, TSS in the round with a contrast color in the return row.

Another beanie off the hook this morning!



Very nice!!


Yes ma’am! I really like the contrast in the colors and of course, your proficiency at the stitch!

Thanks y’all! These have been more or less tests. I still have to get the join correct before I show that side off.

So pretty!

I’m having so much fun with these beanies! Tunisian half-double - Simple Stitch in the round with a single hook using the loop method.




Wow, very nice!!

Oh my, it looks like I’m going to have a lot of catching up to do - in the round, loop method, etc. I’m looking forward to it!

ETA: Nevermind! I looked up the Tunisian loop method on YouTube. Very interesting. I haven’t tried that yet, as I don’t have that type of hook. I’ve done the same thing with a double ended hook. It’s fiddly, but fun and yields a very nice looking fabric.

Beautiful! Are you using a double-ended Tunisian hook for these?

All those lovely hats, a lot of people are going to be cosy this winter (or is it just one person who’s going to have a different beanie every day?). I’ve been working at a WIP most of the time, a mystic lanterns afghan, but I did throw in this stashbusting toadstool cushion for my daughter.

