March 2021 Crochet FO's

Show off your finished projects completed this month! :fk:[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]

I’m still ploughing on with the gamerghan, but in the meantime I have a few little friends - the Pisces pair of fish, and Captain Fishbone.



Too cute!!

Your little friends are so adorable!

I’m so happy to have this wedding shawl finished & blocked! I used 1400 yards of DMC Cordonnet Special 20 with a 2.00mm hook.



What a labor of love! It is so elegant.

Wow, it’s beautiful!

Its gorgeous! So elegant.

Utterly fabulous.

Back to stashbusting, and I made these little coasters inspired by spring flowers.


So cute.

I like those.
However, I was very distracted by the lovely tablecloth they are sitting on. Did you make that wonderful item, as well? It is beautiful.

That is a really beautiful piece.

@hereami; thank you so much, yes, I did do the tablecloth. I keep it stashed for special occasions, hence the creases.

Those are so pretty!

I turned a Wip into a finished item.
Tunisian Crochet. My first attempt at using multiple colors.
(I will be donating the hat later today)


These mandala projects are great for using up odds and ends. I made this hanger, and two keyrings, and not only wiped out a dozen little oddment balls, I used up some of my stash of beads and tassels, and two chime balls I bought because I liked the noise and then never found anything to do with them.



So beautiful. I’m working on my first mandala, you are giving me inspiration on how to complete mine.

So pretty & colorful.

Thank you! @DJM, once you’ve done one you can’t stop, they are just so easy and versatile.