April 2021 Knitted FO's

Show off your finished projects completed this month! :fk:[IMG2=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“src”:“http://fiberkind.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==”}[/IMG2]​

I finished my pine trees!

I’ll donate one and the other is for the blanket project I am working on with a fellow yarnie.

Pine Trees 02.jpeg

Pine Trees 01.jpeg

So I tried amigurumi and I am creeped out by the results.

I started with the whole make a bunny from a square pattern. I should have known that it was going to end badly when it was taking forever to just knit a garter stitch square.

Then, I followed the assembly poorly and make it worse by adding features to it!

I made a ZOMBIE BUNNY! It’s terrifying and I am going to put it in my hubby’s Easter basket! Yikes!

Please don’t let me try amigurumi again!

Bunny Sq.jpeg




Looks great!


My first bunny was a mess as well. The dog now uses it as a toy.
The others turned out okay. I switched to a fluffier yarn and…NO Faces!

easter bunnys.jpeg

Thanks @TeaNSugar and @Woolfan He loved it! He was also amused when I called it my zombie bunny and showed him my post!

@hereami No faces! Got it! I love your bunnies! Fluffy yarn is a fantastic idea!

Ok, I think I’m getting better working with multiple colors. I figured out that a good way to practice was using a corrugated rib and choosing a pattern where I did not need to carry the floats much. I used Premier Yarns’s Flying Feathers pattern. and added the colored 1 x 1 rib and eliminated the pom-pom.

My hubby put a head form in my Easter basket and this is the first time I got to use it. (Notice how it is a male head that he got me - hmm, someone wants more hats!)

I am pretty happy with the results!

FlyHat 02.jpeg


Good job - your work looks great! What a thoughtful and creative gift for your husband to put in your Easter basket. :slight_smile:

:joy: But it looks so cute from behind! I wonder if making it with sock yarn plus stockinette stitch would have helped, but then that would have taken even longer and the ears might not look right. I have no idea.

LOLOLOLOL! :joy: Awesome. :+1: I think it’s kinda cute, especially for a first effort! Even if he doesn’t think it’s cute, he’ll probably be amused. :rabbit::man_zombie:

Awwww, @K2-Tog, so glad he loved it! Thank you for updating us, it’s always nice to hear of a happy ending!! :+1::grin::tada:

@Woolfan Thanks! :grinning: