Bind off to match Chinese waitress Cast on

I recently learned about the Chinese Waitress Cast on. I love how it creates a braided edge, like a chain stitch, but instead of just two chains, there are 3. Does anyone know of a comparable bind off that would match it?

I’m also on the hunt for a selvedge that replicates this effect. The closest I’ve found is Distitch, but that has a double chained edge, as opposed to the three strand braided edges like Chinese Waitress.

Any ideas?

I have never heard of it. Do you have a link you can share or a picture of your piece so we can have a look?

This is new to me, I’m looking forward to seeing more about this.

So, I’ve never heard of this before, either, but apparently there is a CW cast-off, according to this YouTube video. I couldn’t say if this is what you’re looking for, but if it is, then I’m happy to share it.

I found this site that lists complementary cast ons & bind offs, with links to instructions. I have not tried this yet but I am planning to.