Bag Lady #2

@pinesprairie yes - probably not the UP. But - I am thinking anywhere in the lower midwest is a possibility. Hmmm - the “map” narrows.

Well POOH! I don’t necessarily see myself as old & forgetful, I’ll call it vintage & distracted.
This didn’t make it into the package! :frowning:
My apologies to the recipient in advance.


It’s that time of year for us accountants - our mind is always elsewhere for sure. :slight_smile: I’m sure the recipient will be understanding but you might send him/her a copy of the inside :wink:

Woo Hoo! It’s made it to the distribution center & should be out for delivery soon!

On to the recipient—

She’s currently in the top 10 list of members with the mosts posts to the Fiberkind site.
She’s a mother, small business owner & beautiful person.
She doesn’t shy away from challenges.
She’s a devoted sock knitter.

If you’ve guessed the recipient, please don’t disclose it here. Send me a PM & I’ll confirm.

One more clue will be given, once it’s out for delivery.

It’s at the final destination!!!

The recipient will have to pick it up at the post office.

Now we wait!!

Final Clue: The pictures below depict a moniker our recipient has been referred to here on Fiberkind…

[SIZE=72px]+ [/SIZE]

Fiberkind Logo1.png


Oh, the anticipation of waiting!!

I am humbled - thank you @TexasPurl . The bag is definitely an item of beauty and quality that I will treasure. :fk::fk:

(and the yarn will likely send me to the moon this week! LOL)


So, I know I’m somewhat prejudiced, however I do see how much work @Char does for us on this website. Well deserved. @TexasPurl , what a lovely gift! :fk::fk:

@Kathy7661 thank you :slight_smile:

Thanks :fk:

The perfect recipient! TexasPurl and I did have a private discussion about her clues. I had figured out that two out of the three were Indianapolis but when I looked, the one about sliced bread came up as Chillicothe, Missouri. Turns out TexasPurl found a place in Indiana making the claim to be the location of the first commercially sliced bread. Who would have thought that was a contested claim to fame? It was fun trying to guess. Thank you @TexasPurl for the fun and for sending something nice to our fabulous Char!

@Char, this nice bag couldn’t have gone to anyone more worthy! You really do go above and beyond for our site. @TexasPurl, thank you also for being the Best Bag Lady and doing this!

Well played @TexasPurl! Does this mean a negative number for you? :wink:

This is such a nice gift and I can think of no one who deserves it more. Thank you for all the fun with the clues as well.

@FreedomLover - it is a +8 for her (positive it isn’t part of her stash) and a -8 for me! :slight_smile: That’s ok - it is beautiful and I look forward to using it. :fk:

@TexasPurl, I was able to see your bag in person, it’s just wonderful! Wish you could see the BIG SMILE @Char had today when she was showing it to me :heart::heart:

Aww, @kintter131 - that makes my heart happy!

@Char in my mind new yarn is never a bad thing. Enjoy it and the bag in good health and remember that you are treasured here.

@FreedomLover - it’s a good thing. So much yarn, so little time - I can’t contain myself. :fk:

It IS special, but my daughter and one of my daughters-in-law used to sell “Thirty-one” so I do have an overabundance of bags! :blush:. REALLY!!! whoever does get this bag will be very, very lucky!

This sounds like a good problem to have. :wink: