Bee Hive Lap Blanket

@pinesprairie Thanks for that link. I think for my purposes that didn’t work because I am not adding a border row to the existing hexes. That method seems to rely on this extra row to get you from one place to the next. Unless I’m not understanding something about her method.
I’m ready to put together a granny square lapghan and again I don’t want to add any more rows to each square. I want to use that flat slip stitch join (Lyza Walters video) and can’t see how I can do it with a continuous method. I think I have to go back to what I did with the hexes which is a modified continuous join I guess.
But thanks for the link. I’ll hold on to it.

Maybe Char will be able to come up withe the video she mentioned?

@susanwayne - this ^ is the video - about 7:40 into it…

Very creative!

This is absolutely adorable. Great Job!


Edit to say. @Kathy7661 I think we posted at the same time…and almost the same thing. lol…great minds think alike.

Lol! :blush: