July 2020 FO's

If my son saw this he would ask me to make him one. I don’t knit so it’s a good thing he won’t see it. It came out very nicely and you should be proud of the hat and the yarn!

Cute! My daughter in law made a similar one and has loved it for years.

@pinesprairie - don’t forget - you are learning to knit! Color work won’t be far behind. LOL

@Snoogins this hat is great! I always marvel at the art of colorwork, and I can see yours is beautiful

@Char, did you notice I said I don’t knit? And I really only want to knit socks. I think. Maybe. I’m very afraid of all you enablers.

@pinesprairie - give it time…
Give it time. We’ll turn ya into a weaving knitter too. Lol

Great hat! You did well!

Careful @pinesprairie! @Char’s enabling abilities are like witchcraft. :woman_mage:

@pinesprarie if youre ever interested, i sell a pretty sweet knitting kit! :wink::wink: @TexasPurl add me to the enabler list lol!

@Snoogins - welcome to the club! :slight_smile:

@TexasPurl, worse than witchcraft I think. Did she get you too?

@Snoogins Thanks, I’m going to check it out (but don’t tell!)

Y’all are really hard to resist. I’m weakening. And, I still have a folder of “To Make”, “Next”, “To-do”, “Maybe”, “Really Like” and “Someday” crochet patterns. And more yarn (a lot is worsted) than I think I could ever use.

But then, I read comments from all you multi-crafters and think why not? I’m weakening.

Great hat!

@Snoogins Is your knitting kit here on FiberKind and I missed it?

I will dm you so as not to promote myself TOO much lol!

Shawl blank is something new! I invented it after I decided my shawl needed some color. :wink: But I am Avery amateur dyer and font have any commercial dyes, only done Easter egg dye tablets, which have a limited color palette.

I do some dyeing at times, but I’m sponsoring an episode on the dyer’s YouTube channel and thought this would be something fun and different. Her channel has been around a long time and she’s done hundred of videos, but never a shawl blank. So I thought it would be interesting for people. :smiley:

I love knitted washcloths, they’re the only things I knit! :blush: I love your variety!

Those are beautiful! :heartpulse: