May 2024

Please keep us updated. :heart:

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Thanks everyone for the kind words.

Mama bear will be released today, alone.
Baby bear will continue to stay in the fancy NICU. No estimated time of release.

They live over an hour away from the hospital. And will have to call each day and see if they can come in to see baby bear.

Basically, although he was over 8 pounds and thought to be full term. He is acting like a premie. He needs some helps for a bit.

So thankful for the NICU people. Awesome people…every one.


Did tou see the Google Doodle today @lovestostitch? Double Cicada Brood 2024 Doodle - Google Doodles


:pray::crossed_fingers: hopefully your grandkiddo gets out of NICU soon and parents can see him. I know momma is stressed out, is the staff working with her for pumping for future nursing? (If she is planning on going that route) and the possibility of having a place to stay close to baby while in NICU? Like a Ronald McDonald House type thing…I know that might be hard if not in a larger city, but it’s worth asking if that resource exists.

My kiddos both where nearly preemie and tiny and so had a NICU nurse assigned to them but they got to stay in my room. The NICU Nurses were great to work with and helpful in making our transition home.

They are in my prayers.


our boat is safely at our home harbour again - it’s on an island that belongs to the Finnish Fortress


@PurlgirlButtons That animated google doodle was cute. Do you live in an area that will get the double brood? I have heard that some people are figuring out ways to eat the bugs.

Should we do a Cicada themed craft week?
Anyone want to craft a Cicada?

@sheiskanen That is a lovely view. I am glad you are safely in harbour. Hope your sailing season goes smoothly this year.

@Knit2PSquare Thanks for the idea for housing. I will pass that along to them.
They asked for a visit at their house last night. We brought over some food and sat and talked for a while. It was nice to see them. I listened as she talked and talked. She is just now becoming aware of dangerous things got for her.
Baby bear was assisted out face up and with forceps. That was necessary but caused a nerve injury. Doc said that nerve should heal in time. Because of that injury Baby bear is being fed thru his umbilical cord. Mama is collecting milk and will deliver it at each visit. Otherwise baby is receiving donated milk.

Apparently…baby bears heart and breathing completely stopped for a bit at delivery. They got the heart back and then breathing. As of last night…brain is good, lungs are maturing and he doesn’t need oxygen as much.

Thanks again everyone. For letting me vent here and for offering advice, thoughts and prayers.
I appreciate it.

During this stressful time I have grabbed a skein of my softest yarn and started crocheting away. Making a triangle. Hubby asked…what are you going to make. I said…well, this is about feeling the yarn and relaxing and I didn’t know. Probably would rip it all out. I held up my small crocheted triangle he said it looked like I was making underwear.

Lol. He is right. It did. But…I am not making underwear. lol!


My “doh!” Reaction is about the cicada craft week. That would be a hoot!!!

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Hopefully the continued progress comes quickly.


My oldest was 9 lbs 3 oz and full term, stopped breathing just after birth and then later life-flighted to the NICU 400 miles away for a heart problem where he stayed for over a month. He also had a vacuum forceps-assisted birth so the top of his poor head was very purple and swollen for the first few weeks of his life. My younger son was born a month early and was 4 lbs 8 oz but came out screaming and everything was perfect so we were sent home about 30 hours after he was born. I wasn’t the least bit worried before having my older son because everything seemed fine until after he was born. However, I was in the hospital for a month before my second was born because I had preeclampsia and they weren’t sure if either of us would survive, but then everything was fine once he was born. It is so hard to have a baby who is struggling, regardless of what the cause is. I will be praying for Baby Bear to continue to improve, for Mama Bear to be comforted while she can’t be with her baby all the time, and for you to know the best way to support and love them both. :hearts: :pray:t2:


I had so wanted to go on that train ride, but, due to dock issues, our ship couldn’t dock in Skagway. Take photos, please!