April 2021 Sock KAL - CHAT

Here is my sock weight stash. My options aren’t completely open since I probably shouldn’t use the acrylics with the wools. Even if I carefully hand wash everything, the Woolike is considerably finer gauge than most of the wools.


n my opinion, everything goes, but I like the 75/25 blend. I’ve used the Serenity sock yarn though and it is ok. Is it going to be hard to decide what to start with?

1st cast-on toe up. I saw a hint about stopping a few stitches before the end of your color and slipping those stitches purlwise, this makes your switchover look seamlessly professional. Try it.


On the wool pair I’ll pretty much just plan the toe/heel/cuff color and for the stripes just grab and go. I don’t have enough of many of the colors to go a full two socks so I will probably have to change a cookie mix-sock now and then. True scrappy socks. The woolike pair will be more uniform in red, white and blue.

I was practicing this technique on a pair for March. I think it was the last pair I did? But I made a rookie mistake and pulled up the tension too much so it shows. I’ll find a photo.

I practiced several “no jog” methods in this sock. I liked the knit-one-below method as well as the slip 3 stitches method but I was pulling the thread too tight so it didn’t have a jog but it still looked a mess. Lesson learned, lol. These were boot socks for me so I didn’t mind the mess and now I know how to do better if I’m making them for others. Personally, these would be techniques I would use for multi-round stripes though. I prefer the helix method for single row stripes.


'This works really well if you don’t mind the slipped stitches

I don’t know how I am ever going to knit one color socks again!

I like to use a scale and divide the colors in half so both socks get every color.

I usually do that but I haven’t decided if I will on this scrappy pair or not. I’m curious if my brain can handle true randomness. Lol. But it might be wise to find a happy medium so it doesn’t just end up a UFO.


Solid colors are great with cables and lace patterns.

I guess I should have said one strand, I am all about the stripey yarns anyway. :slight_smile:

Since I’m not going for the prize, I am posting a progress pic, I am in love with this technique! I decided on fraternal twins.


Perfect month to donate a prize since you were so eager to get started on your scrappy socks! They look great. Don’t forget to post which skeins you chose. That would be a good picture for the finished post. It’s so fun to see how the scraps blended together.

Be sure to take a picture of the scraps you use before you make your socks so you can post them in your monthly color post. It’s fun to see how the colors blend together. Take a picture of just the scraps you use, not your scrap stash. Like this:

These scraps

blended into these socks (In my real post, they will be finished socks.)



@PurlgirlButtons - I added a theme and color to our Sock KAL Schedule just for you! Check out August.


Love it!

Here is the yarn for my first pair. They will be for my son who wears a size 14 shoe. So it’s a good thing I enjoy this technique! I’m hoping to also make a pair for the youngest daughter this month and she wears the same size shoe as her brother. She’s also almost 2 inches taller than him at 6’3" tall so not that odd.


@KnitsWithHorses@Pegg Thomas - Will you please delete your posts on the Finished thread? Posts are for finished entries only so we can do the random number generator for the prize. Normally, you can post your compliments as comments but the first post doesn’t allow comments. You can compliment PurlgirlButtons in the Chat thread!