Week Ending 11/19/22

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Finally finished something.

WTD = +4

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I finished my Travel Mode 2.0 shawl from an advent set from 2021. That used up partials of 23 skeins and all of 1 skein for +25. I love how it’s turned out and using different colors all the time was so fun! I purchase some yarn for another holiday swap which will be sent out soon but set me back -8 and received a Zebra Yarns self-striping Christmas surprise skein for -2, a total of +15 for the week.

WTD +15


I went to Sturgeon Bay after work for some shopping and the one store I really had to get to was closed :angry: so the only logical thing to do next was head to the yarn shop and buy yarn for a sweater.
Ytd -24

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I also finished something this week. A wool orange beanie and an alpaca scarf.

Wtd +6

W/E 11/19 +8
YTD -532