July 2024

She loves it! And its perfect for her.


The color difference is much more visible in person, but unless I have my feet RIGHT next to each other, it isnā€™t really noticeable, so I have made peace with it. I love these socks, they are pretty and comfy and cool enough to wear even in the summer here in the desert!


I love Hikoo CoBaSi yarn for short cut summer socks. It is 55% cotton, 21% elastic 16% bamboo, 8% silk. I just got a delivery from Little Knits. It was a great deal because I decided to be brave and try the mystery value pack where you donā€™t get to choose the colors. They did say you would get 4,2,2,2 skeins of each color so I knew I would have enough to make short cut socks. Iā€™m very happy with the colors. I got two of the mystery packs and they were the same colors.


The socks I just posted are just regular merino/nylon, but the open lace makes them light. I have one pair of socks I made with a merino/bamboo/nylon and another that are merino/silk and they are SO much lighter and easier to wear in the summer than the regular merino/nylon. I will definitely look for that cotton/bamboo/silk mix, it sounds like it would be MUCH more wearable here in the desert!


Those are pretty :slight_smile:

Let me know how you like the socks. My MIL loves hand knit socks, but she canā€™t have wool.

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Iā€™ve used Hikoo CoBaSi many times for socks and I love them. Nice stretch and durable. When my grandson was a baby, I made some socks for him and my daughter liked the CoBaSi the best. I made him knee high socks and they were the only ones that stayed on his feet.

Another non-wool yarn I recommend for socks is Regia Tutti Fruitti.


Check out the deal at Little Knits. Itā€™s a really good price.


Iā€™ve looked at it and plan to get it if it is still available when I get paid next week! :crossed_fingers:t2:


I have decided to continue working on my Wips during the Olympics. I was thinking about crafting an ā€˜emotional support chickenā€™ ā€¦cause they are so cute. If I get completely bored with my wips I might start that chicken and turn it into a door stop.

Do you all have plans to craft and watch the Paris Olympics?


Iā€™m working on an EPP patternā€¦. Here is the start of it:

This is what it will ultimately look likeā€¦.

It might be overly ambitious. Probably one of those 10 year projects.

I really should go put on binding for a quilt I need to finish for a wedding Saturday. Unless I just give cashā€¦. Lol


Wow @Char that does look ambitious but beautiful! Good luck!

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We are hoping to watch all of the rock climbing in the Olympics. We have met three of the Olympians in the bouldering/lead climbing events, as they are CO natives. All are such nice people. Weā€™ll be rooting for them!

I will probably knit, sew quilt pieces together, or fold some ignored laundry while watching.:wink:


This pattern is really nice.

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Iā€™m boycotting the Olympics and any sporting event that allows transexuals to compete in womenā€™s sports. I donā€™t consider that a fair competition.


Interesting. I had not heard about this.
Here is a link to a recent newsweek article to help people decide if they are going to watch any events.

Thank you all for not being offended with my talk of crafting during this event. I like to craft during televised events. It helps me get crafting work done. (march madness, large horse races, Saturday football games, olympic trialsā€¦even crafted while I watched @Chars sonā€™s team in the Robotic tournament)


Itā€™s nice when you find something that you can watch/listen to while crafting and just settle in for a few hours. This morning I got to listen to a long recorded talk and got a lot done on the Hardanger piece I posted a little while back.


Enjoy. i lost patience with the olympics a long time ago.


wide open sea - not another boat in sight


Did you see or hear about the entertainment events at the Olympics? I saw clips on X and it was disgusting - overtly Satanic. I feel sorry for the athletes because there is a strong call from the Christian community to boycott the Olympics and the advertisers. French people are posting on X and apologizing and telling people this does not represent their country.

I think Christians need to make a strong stand against this or our culture in headed for the toilet. I donā€™t think I would like a world where this is deemed normal and acceptable.

